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Wednesday, 4 January 2017

Amorphous Solar Panel Biography

Amorphous Cell:

The Concept of Amorphous Solar cell is depositing one or several layers of photo voltaic materials onto a substrate is the basic gist of how thin-film solar cells are manufactured. The alias name of amorphous is thin-film photo voltaic cells. There are different types of amonrpous solar cells are available
i) Amorphous Silicon 
ii) Copper Indium gallium selenide
ii) Organic photo voltaic cells
iv) Cadmium tellurium

This kind of solar cell has the least efficiency, the maximum efficiency is available is 7-13%..the further  efficiency could be 10-16% which is expected..but narrow window those are way less then mono or poly crystalline cells..

The market for amorphous is not as good as others cells like mono or ploy crystalline, but it grew with moderate rate like 60% from 2002 to 2007. In 2011, close to 5% of US ...  

You can easily recognize by seeing these three solar cells , amorphous cells are build in rectangle and it has no stretch on it , just simple it look.....

Advantage : Unlike mono and poly crystalline it has no greater efficiency  but for some reason it has good applications....

i) Production of amorphous cells is simple, lower in cost comparing other cells
ii) These cells are flexible and used in various application where flexibility is important.
iii) Mini projects like electronics devices mobile, calculator , camera etc has amorphous cells applications..
iv) If you don't have space issue but want cheaper solar panels then Amorphous is your choice ....
v) It has better response in high temperature and shading problem...


i) It waste a lot of space for the higher power applications which is not expect able for both off grid and on -grid applications.
ii) Because of the the space it waste the cost of bigger plans goes way costly then comparing any other cells.
iii) implementation and installing charge a lot of money for these amorous panels because of cables and connectors expense.
iv) Because if the electrical power is low it shows unproductive application for bigger projects.

Application : As though it has lower power efficiency , but it has great use for lower power applications,
a lot of solar home appliances are made of this kind solar cells...like solar home lantern, calculator , solar lamps, solar tables , solar beds etc...


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