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Solar Furniture

First of all what is solar furniture concept ? is it a alien plan ?

Answer is No! This is not unearthly thing, this kind of technology is new but evolving with the on-growing technology.Then how this concept come about and how we can be a beneficiary from this kind of technology.

If you look at the above picture then you must be thinking, Wow!  this is cool staff, Right?
But this is just not cool but also effective, and how a I am saying it?Let me clarify for you...

Detail : 
  • Solar Furniture system is consist of two things i) Raw Furniture ii) Small Solar System (DC).
  • The Furniture part is just as simple as you are sitting on a chair right now or lying on a bed, but the solar part of this technology is like a 5W~60W DC system with a small Li-ion Battery storage which can provide 2~3 hours of DC power constantly to your small DC products like mobile, table lamps(DC) or DC fans which are under 15W.
    5W LED Table Lamp
  • So When Solar panels are curved into a Furniture then it is called Solar Furniture, and it is becoming more popular because it is best for small appliances and you don't need to depend on IPS or Generator at all for solving load shedding problem, it can provide you 2~3 hours DC backup power.
  • But to use this technology one must have all kind DC products because this can't run any AC product, because the output is coming from the battery.
  • China is huge manufacturer of this kind of products and promoting their products internationally but developing country like Bangladesh doesn't even have a clue that  it exists.
  • But this technology can literally can solve load shedding problems from any country in a cheapest way.
One can build this type of product in their own if they possessed basic concept of solar technology, just they need raw furniture , solar panel , Li-ion Battery and few cables and plug.

Hope you Like this Post ( jajakallahu Khair).....

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