
The future always hide itself and keep us wondering what will be the next thing can make our mind saying WOW!
Alhamdulillah.. The growing technology make us amazed with new new things, and the idea of Solar furniture is not outdated or not obsolete. One technology can be added to another and can make hybrid new system which is perfectly make our life a much easier and beautiful.Solar technology is a blessing from God and he is the one who gives us all kind of benefits.People might be wondering what the heck is Solar Park concept, but the answer is as just as simple it is a new developed side of solar technology making energy free every where even you are working outside or having fun outside playing or chatting.
So let me explain the technology much more to you .......

First of all let Solar Park is a park where solar systems are available for use, it is as simple as defined.This system consist of multiple application of solar system like Solar Tables, Solar Dorks, Solar Chairs and many more. It both has On-grid and Off-grid application and Off-grid application are joint with LED Light applications which is for enlighten the night.
The On-grid part of the Solar Park is the day time energy provider where no battery is necessary only work at day time but the off-grid part of this Solar park the night time energy provider where Li-ion Battery is installed for LED Lightening or could be street lights.
In both case citizen and the government an be benefited.... Let me List it for you...

- Citizen can use this solar energy when they are in the park for their daily activity, they can use this technology for charging their Mobile, or using their Laptop or Tablet computer at the park.
- At night time this park can be run by off-grid solar system which has stored in day time.
- This park could be a dazzling place at night time which can bring tourist attention.
- Government can earn a lot of money by using this kind of Technology.
- Government and citizen both can earn money by placing different types of Solar Cafe or Solar Restaurant in the park which also will run by Solar Technology.
- This type of Solar Park concept could be applied to the famous places in the country where tourists are usually prefer to visit ,so this could be a alluring outlook to them.

- At night time dazzling LED chairs or LED Tables can be very alluring attention to the tourists and the safe guard for travelers, and this also can be run by solar off-grid system.
- Solar Street lights can also be installed with the park concept where street lights will be placed outside of the location so it can protects travelers from hooligans on the street.
- So this is a win win concept for entertainment, earning money, protection and a lot of things, and it also can lessen power demand of a country with a fancy style.
I hope that government will understand one day this concept of lowering power demand by using more small projects rather than going on big projects like Solar mini-grid..
Hope you Like the post (Jajakallahu Khair)