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Sunday, 9 July 2017

Why DC Products

The global domination on solar energy is prevailing and manufacturer and consumers are waiting for something that can be more useful than  solar energy it self. DC electrical equipment are getting more popular with solar energy system.Most of the DC products are available worldwide now and they are pretty cheap too in comparison with AC products more or less.DC products are really really cool products when it combine with solar energy.DC products consume lower  power than any AC products about 1/3 of AC products.Even DC air conditioner of 24V consume below 900W where AC air conditioner   consume more than 2000W. 

Let me  give you some demonstration : 
Let check some AC & DC products  : 

DC Bulb : In the house the electrical appliance which mostly used by the consumers is the electrical bulbs.  DC bulbs are way less power consuming then AC bulbs with great light intensity.

DC bulbs are showing 5~10 times more efficiency than AC bulbs and that is amazing . (Alhamdulillah)

DC bulbs have better lifespan and quality.
DC bulbs are electric bill friendly.
DC bulbs have good light intensity.

Bill comparison : Please use this bill calculator Bill Calculator
AC bulbs :  44 BDT/month for  40W 450Lm Incandescent light for daily 8 hours.
DC bulbs :  07 BDT/month for  6W 450Lm LED light for daily 8 hours.
Savings :    37 BDT /per light. (Alhamdulillah)

DC Fan : In the summer the electrical appliance we love to use the most is the electrical fan. But electrical fans are basically two types i) Ceiling Fans  ii) Table Fans.Ceiling fans are more power consuming than the table fans as the weight it rotates irrespective of AC or DC but DC electric fans are way less power consuming  and bill friendly than  AC Fans. Let me give you demonstration.

In the left picture you can see two ceiling fan data list, the first one is DC and the second one is AC.Both ceiling fan have equal rpm and weight is almost the same but the power consumption is half for the DC with compare to the AC product .The difference of these power consumption is coming from lower voltage in DC products which are like 12V/24V where AC products are 220V. 

Bill Comparison :  Please use this bill calculator Bill Calculator
DC Fan : 40 BDT/month for 38W, 8hours/day 
AC Fan : 81 BDT/month for 75W, 8 hours/day.

DC Rice Cookers : In the kitchen this is very important appliance as this can cook anything, but this is also very power consuming device which can exceed 1000W.In this case DC cooker is just a super device where dc cooker can cook with the same capacity but with lower power consumption.Let me give you a demonstration.

As you can see in the above picture AC Rice cooker with 3.2L of capacity consumes 1000W of electricity where a DC Rice cooker with 4L of capacity consumes 420W of electricity which is amazing. (Alhamdulillah)

Bill Comparison :  Please use this bill calculator Bill Calculator
AC Cooker : 135 BDT/month for 1000W, 1hours/day 
DC Cooker : 56 BDT/month for 420W, 1 hours/day. 

All of the DC products are better in performance as the power rating is lower then the AC and it brings lower electric bill but the problem is these products are designed mostly for batteries  and few cases it comes with AC/DC adapters. The following chart will give you brief idea on both DC/AC product's power consumption with the same efficiency level but you will see AC appliances  eat more power then the DC appliances   and that is why in future AC appliances will be less effective in home applications. In the chart all DC appliances are rated with 12/24/48V and AC are 110~240V.

As the Solar Energy System is a DC power source and with the help of battery storage and DC products one can get rid of  his 80% of monthly bill  easily .As the DC products are less power consuming and solar energy is coming from the sun both way it is almost like free energy and we can be grid-free home utility systems worldwide.So don't wait to install  a solar home system in your house and buy compatible DC products for your system.

Hope This Post help You (jajakallahu Khair )


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